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Cartoon Brew ➝ The line-up for Cartoon Movie, Europe’s premier pitching platform for animated features, has been unveiled.
Projects will be presented by high-profile filmmakers including Louis Clichy (Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion), Remi Chayé (Calamity, a Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary), Edmunds Jansons (Jacob, Mimmi and the Talking Dogs), Anca Damian (Marona’s Fantastic Tale), and Claude Barras (My Life as a Zucchini). Films we’ve covered before will be featured, including Mars Express and Titina.
Here are key facts and highlights from the upcoming edition, which is due to be held in person in Bordeaux, France on March 8–10, 2022. Keep an eye on Cartoon Brew for deeper coverage of individual projects.
Image at top: “Black is Beltza II: Ainhoa”
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