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uriartedesign-ek sortutako webgunea
| In 1988, at the height of the political repression in the Basque Country, the young Ainhoa finds herself mixed up in a sordid drug trafficking affair. Fleeing the country, she discovers a world in the throes ofpolitical upheaval – including France.
“Animation is an act of resistance.” Faithful to the credo of his model and forerunner in Basque animation Juanba Berasategi, famous punk artist Fermin Muguruza continues to question the generally accepted view of history. In this (false) sequel with (almost) no connection to his previous film Black is Beltza, the director goes back to the end of the Cold War, the golden age of drug traffickers and the beginnings of globalisation, set to a soundtrack ofwild punk rock.
sortutako webgunea
uriartedesign-ek sortutako webgunea
Pribatutasun politika eguneratu dugu datuen babeserako legedia berriagatik, eta gardentasunarekin dugun konpromisoagatik. Ez dugu aldatu zure datuak erabiltzeko eta konpartitzeko modua, baina uste dugu jakin behar duzula zure zein datu jasotzen ditugun, nola tratatzen ditugun eta zein aukera eta kontrol duzun. Ezarri cookie-akCOOKIE-AK UKATUGUZTIA ONARTU