Arts Santa Mònica presents Black is Beltza, an exhibition by Fermin Muguruza based on the graphic novel of the same name, created with the writer Harkaitz Cano and the illustrator Jorge Alderete,the three together.
All the songs from the new album by Fermin Muguruza with The Suicide Of Western Culture. Recorded in Barcelona, the disc contains ten songs dedicated to ten different cities, all beginning with the letter B: Barcelona, Berlin, Belfast, Buenos Aires, Beirut, Bogotá, Baton Rouge, Bilbao, Brazzaville and Belgrade.
“Agur polita (eta historikoa) izan zen lehen aipatzen genuen soinu banda horren doinupean zahartu zirenentzat eta aukera ederra aurretik inoiz zuzenean ikusia ez zutenentzat. Zinez” – Xabier Sagardia
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