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It has been 40 years since the well-known Basque musician and activist Fermin Muguruza first took to the stage. Since then, his music has been an inspiration for several generations inside and outside the Basque Country, with groups such as Kortatu, Negu Gorriak and himself on his own. It could be said that his music has been the main soundtrack of the struggle of the Basque people.
One of the main characteristics of Fermin Muguruza is, without a doubt, his sensitivity to the different struggles that take place throughout the world. This is why his many albums include songs dedicated to Kurdistan, Palestine, the Zapatistas, against South African apartheid, for the freedom of Ireland…
Fermin Muguruza is currently in the middle of a tour celebrating his 40th anniversary as a musician and on December 20 and 21 he filled the Bizkaia Arena in Bilbao (Basque Country) with more than 8,000 people. As can be seen in the video, the song “Newroz”, in homage to the struggle of the Kurdish people, was accompanied by a multitude of images of Kurdistan. The singer, in the middle of the song, gave a strong greeting with the following words: “Bijî Newroz, bijî Kurdistan, bijî Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan, rojbaş gerîla” (Long live Newroz, long live the PKK of Kurdistan, good morning guerrilla).
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